— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: We have a large universe, many willing to enter, a part of the abitur of foreigners in the community settled.
We live there as volunteers. Everything was nice, helped, showed and told.
Some with parents, we sit in the morning in the common kitchen, we drink tea, we treat stories, we talk about our studies, we all act as officers.
Here Artem flees in one coward, hands with his idiotic masches, jumps, shakes with his unwashed hair. And he cries like a fool, "the thief! Kill it! Take a cup of tea!"
XHH: He notices the public, he brakes. Close for a second, go to the plate gradually like this. The English lord, fuck. Mom was in a slight shock.
xxx: And Anja is so from the window: "And this is Artem Petrovich, a graduate student, you will have discreet mathematics to read".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna