— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the winter, the present face of our provincial Wood (press secretary) fell out of the window, broke clearly completely.H, this personality was not known by the fact that a couple of times a week struck TV viewers with a terrible diction and the size of an expired rush, and his exotic hobby - picked up, chase in inexpensive snacks and beat people on the face more fiercely.Hobby as a hobby, the leadership probably thought the same, so the face grew in ranks and sizes. And here you, probably forgotten that the physical laws certificate does not defile. Why did you remember all this nonsense? I went on the agenda to the administrative commission - case of life protocol - appearance on the street in a drunk state. Naive, I thought it would take 15 minutes. No matter how. The corridor in front of the office where the commission was sitting was tightly overwhelmed by the waiters.Asocial personalities were not observed.Curiously dressed people of middle age,men prevailed.As it turned out from the conversations the reason for which they were called the same as I did.Everyone behaved calmly, discussing the features of modern administrative practice, and agreed that in Soviet times to get here was necessary, but the policy was approved,the end of the quarter,and the plan to be carried out.On the other hand, there was a group of strong men standing out that discussed that there is no such hernia anywhere in Europe that for the smell of alcohol it was necessary to go somewhere for trials,and brought examples from a very personal view of events and life rich in the country,which a city
I was caught driving drunk here.
E.E. It’s very serious, what are you doing so wrong.
I could not be there.
Everyone says so.
I could not, I sat there for five days, here are the papers.
No one has the right to trust the car.
You are entitled to a parking penalty.
Go, young man, we’ll call you later.
The man runs away on half-bowns.The discussion in the office continues.
Any misunderstanding, the protocol should be cancelled. The next.
And finally, the third type.A man even in the company of sailors distinguished by their sizes and a loud voice, occupied the only chair in the corridor.A man of 60 years, dressed in a shirt, a hat, a sweater and shoes so kind that buying them in Russia is impossible even in the principle, not to mention the boutiques of the type "Real Bakinet". The situation did not bother him, he loudly stated his opinion that the city was simply overwhelmed by drunk bombs, and the norms of the sharia of mint were used somehow selectively.
How did you, the chairman, start cleverly.
Arrested at the exit of the restaurant in an insulting public dignity manner.
- I don't know, in the restaurant I did not insult anyone's dignity.And here on you, on the roof, I already insult.
Where are the witnesses of these insults?
The hallway listening to the breath.
-I have no reason not to trust the police officers.In the protocol clearly stated that they were detained at the exit of the restaurant with the smell of alcohol!!! to
- And what do you think I should go out of the cabbage, with a banana veneer or with a tripper?
In the office there was silence and singing.Nobody even smiled.The door opened and with a smile came out this absolutely socially dangerous personality.Showing the door hand bended in the elbow, silently "cancelled the protocol",after which moved to the exit.Different probably people go to the fleet and the police.Healthy sense, humour and self-worth in this person was more than in the entire police department.It is terrible to think what was going on there before the reform,if now such nonsense.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna