— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sherlocked :
I came to the store, first looking at the Internet the availability of sizes and colors, because I can't tolerate the sample and search in the store "and give this one more stuff... what color do you still have? Then give all 285 colors, you need to sample."
I went to the girl-seller, Grya, said, give me such, such and such pants of such size and colors. She brings me this packaged, grit - to the box, sorry. I gru, say, it.. I would measure.. she rounded the blue dishes on the men (well, indeed, she has blue beautiful eyes) and "polite" so:
Are you not embarrassed that they are men?
What I am, without having time to fully understand what I will say soon and that there are several left-handed uncles who choose tents and bedrooms:
- Girl, don't you bother that I'm only wearing a lick with strings on a female?
The girl couldn’t find what to answer, the uncles whispered.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna