— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Fieriya.
We sit after the holidays we work, suddenly like a thunderstorm in the clear sky hellish cries of a new employee. I go down... I look at the last thing that the poor man has managed to squeeze “the medicine for snoring”, I quietly change the inscription in the search line to “the medicine for Lunatism” next to I lay the iron foot from the broken office chair, watering her tip, quietly recreating the panorama of the battle with the alien mind in the office, all hiding in the neighboring room, laying in the body poses. Call him the worker.

View from the face of the main character in his narrative after (in a smoker):
“Blessed, I am squeezing, I’m grabbing the phone there already, I’m clinging to some kind of iron stuff that’s stained in red shit. I am ashamed of turning around... I think you may not have noticed that I am dirty... then a thought, and how dirty am I? Look at the clock on the compass. 20 minutes... I look at the inscription Lunatism... I begin to thumb... I turn around. Ask...a aaa (C) "Well fucking guys I got enough of the poster of Tymoshenko for half of the missed in the shredder on the floor" next frame, I see all the tubes removed, and there is silence.. in my head fucking stronger than what you arranged in the office.. especially when you see the horizontally rolling women's boots from the bathroom and hear the tones from the neighboring room... I think they robbed! I catch the iron.. with tremors in my knees I go to the hall quietly I open the door and when a hand falls out of there... and I see you all bored on the floor, and shouting me "NeeeETT Dima!!! Wake up, this is a dream!! No need more!“I’m getting a shit...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna