— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We rented motorcycles in Vietnam. Large gas stations were far from our shelter and the guide explained to us that they had small gas stations near stores (to the word of the guide - a Vietnamese and in Russian spoke with an accent and sometimes the words confused). Well, from his speech, we understood that near the shops you need to look for red round pieces with a crane, from which there is a hose with a gun, like a gas station. We have been looking for them for a long time. And the only red thing we found were such round pieces that sprang out of the ground and had a crane. How surprisingly, the Vietnamese saleswomen were surprised for a long time, when two European women on rollers were rushed to them, shaken with money, insisted on something in a broken Anglo-Russian language, and hardly pursued a fire hydrant! and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna