— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A brother from a wild province came to visit me. I gathered from the morning, went through the whole city to the station, met him. I am back home, and my wife has already gathered a consilium from two friends. They sit down, chase tea, talk about something. My wife asks, “Hungry?” and I say, “Yes, I haven’t had time for breakfast.” She goes up, goes to the kitchen, my brother and I follow. He warms up the pasta, says, “I thought I’d go to my mom so you could do without me?” and “I’ll say something about sandwiches, I’m smart, I say.” The wife goes out to the hallway and cries to her girlfriends: “Have you heard? The Lord has appointed me a beloved wife!"
My brother’s jaw went into a plate with pasta.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna