— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On Sunday evening in the shopping district on cameras saw some emo that painted the walls.
Well, they quickly gathered all the guards, ran after them for a long time, eventually pressed them in some corner, brought them to themselves.
XXX: Locked in some office, caused penties
xxx: I forgot to say, while running, one of these fools fell and put on the concrete well, well, and someone from the guard said too loudly that well, say that under the camera it happened, there will be no need to prove that we did not beat them.
xxx: A minute after 20 mint profits, the cabinet opens, from there the bodies fall out, all in blood, one's nose is broken, the rings swell right in front of the eyes
xxx: Everyone is in shock, and those to myths, say uncles, save us, we are beaten here, punish them, we are not at all and so on
xxx: So now in the local security there is a cool recording, in HD, with the original sound, as three dude beats each other in a hurry :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna