— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ]
The task: make a mark on the map in the form of a cross
< cross.png

> let it blink again
< cross_blink.gif

> something is blinking somehow
< cross_blink_fast.gif

> it is still worn. I need to wow!
< cross_blink_faster.gif

> no, it is still sleepy. Really need to be faster.
< cross_blink_really_faster.gif

> Pasha, you will hear me. Fuck it fast. Let the eyes break. As a fire alarm. The word ‘amphetamines’ comes to mind. The Apocalypse, Pasha
< cross_blink_dubstep.gif

c) aphhss

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna