— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do you need an Ikeevsky table? The kitchen or the camp?
WOW: No, it seems to me. and what?
hhh: yeah to throw out the frog, and the place even the disassembled occupies
WOW: Well, I have a pretty decent table, I also have no particular place.
oxygen (
Don’t be sad. Buried as a Viking. That is. Go down to the water and shoot with a burning arrow from a distance... And be sure to put a sword in it, without a sword, they will not let Valhalla go.
Who else would I offer it?
Gather and take to the rubbish, who will take?
He is too cool!! Didn't you know that the loyal tables that are thrown into the laundry are revenge?
So I prefer to put a sword in them first, then drop it into the water, and then fire it from a distance with a burning arrow.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna