— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And have you noticed that the closer the story to the definition of “full... cape”, the more funny it turns out in the future? A long-distance driver told me a similar story. I fully understand that despite the Soviet times, after this story, in the first church found, he put the thickest candle that could only be bought there. Further on behalf of the author.

I drove in the autumn, carrying a fifth from western Ukraine. And although the trailer was stuck under the bandage, it was only 2 tons. And the tractor I have 7 tons and the trailer 7 tons - you can say I go empty, there is no weight. I pass through the crossing and begin to slowly descend. But before the break, the temperature was plus, and after the break already minus. And somehow I did not notice it immediately. Here I see, below, with the motorcycle of Vitsyn, by which Nikulin and Morgunov in the "Caucasian Prisoner" stopped the car, the haishnik mosquitoes, squeezes with a rod, stops me. Well, I start pressing the brakes, and then I realize that the road is covered with ice, and I can’t stop. But everything turned out to be not so bad, I started by pressing the brakes slowly towards the side of the trailer to remove, and as a result, shortly before the hovercraft caught me on the whole side to the snowed slope. He got out of the swarm, which he had already managed to jump into when he saw an approaching... long-range, and approached me. He says, says, no need to go further, very slippery. There will soon be a geological tractor on the hooks, and it will hold me down. I smoked, and the truck came in. A guy sits in the lounge, promising a seamless descent. He grabbed me behind the trailer with a tank wire – his left hook behind my right and we moved slowly down. We go, we go, and here I understand that somehow we are already going. I look in the left mirror, I can’t see the trailer. I look to the right, and he’s standing next to me. And then I begin to understand: I have a fur with a trailer and a load of 16 tons, and this tractor is good if 5. For some time he was relying on his trams, but 16 tons of it was spread side by side at the expense of the diagonal wire. And on the side he turned out to be on skis, and here on these skis he began to overtake me. But I can't let him overtake me, he's stuck with a rope - he can remove my trailer to the side, and then we will have fun. I press the gas, and I start bypassing it. I think I’ll shake a little, maybe I’ll shake it up. I added gas, went around, pulled. He disappeared on the right... on the left began to circle me on the slides. Everything would be fine, but this descent ends with a pretty steep twist and bridge. And right there not to drive, but to fly, and to fly long. But nothing to do, I pull it further, and so left-to-right and back-to-back I move it. The fate was merciful, before the very turn I dropped him so much that he flew into the cove, and I bowed them in the snow and the ground. It was good, I thought the clutch would break. When the car stopped, I was sitting with my back in the front glass, holding the steering wheel with my hands – it threw me out there. There is silence, the birds sing. Well, there are no singing birds there in the winter, but they still sing in the head. I slowly pull out of the cabin and go to the truck. I called the driver several times, but he did not respond. Well, I go up the top, look at him in the lookout, and the fresh snow nearby compared to his face seems quite black. And he can’t talk somehow, only agreeing and cuddling. Well, I removed his rope, thanked him and turned him onto the bridge. And he, it seems, right down the road through the hill dragged into his standing ground - in any case, no long-range he seems to be going down any more.

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