— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
A letter came to the work mail (response from the warehouse) - rubbed all the office!

sent to:
Who: Warehouse Manager
Posts Tagged: fucking fuck
Text: In stock only 2 models of freezers, you are crazy and there you manage to reassort
HP XX instead of YYY freezer (model) 1pcs
Freezer ZZZ (other model) 1st

Response to Warehouse:

"Fuck the fuck
Vitaly is not allowed.
2 types of freezers
Fuck, and here the side sits.
Peresort I confirm and publicly swear to everyone
I search for the guilty, I shoot, I take it."

On the way to our warehouse poets work, fucking =)))


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna