— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To the question of the accounting of tenants, I remembered one story from my youth...

My father was a military rocket officer, in the early 80s he worked (that is, served) in some secret "postbox", in which everything was secret. He frequently travelled on multi-month journeys.

In general, the military in the sovkha, if any of the young people do not know, even passports did not have, and their consideration at the place of residence was carried out by the military committee, and not some JEK there.

There was a grandmother in the house, who could not reassure myself that my father lived without a license, not so much worried about the license, but what water, heating and what was still paid by a person. All the bills came to us by mom, dad with his secret as if it wasn’t at all. Here is the fact that someone pays less, caused the grandmother's stormy activity, she burned all the tenants' ears that she would not leave this shame, collecting some signatures.
One day, when my father went to some other trials at the field, this grandmother appeared to us with the local, and the same grandmother from the JEC and began to hit his mother, where his father, why he lives without a license.
Then my father, according to him, decided to “joke a little”... He wrote a statement to the “special” department that the neighbor at the entrance showed an increased interest in his schedule and the place of work, especially her interested in where he goes on a trip, and the places of his trips are an important state secret...
Well, in this spirit, generally understand, comrades Chequists, maybe the grandmother is an agent of imperialist intelligence, and the local authorities (the district and the JEC) consciously or not (and this would also be a good thing to deal with) facilitate her espionage activities.

In the "special" department also apparently jokers worked, I don't know how they joked there.
Only a couple of days later the "ambulance" came to my grandmother, before this grandmother did not complain about her health. Well, when she was released from the hospital, the question with the license was no longer raised.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna