— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ]
With a friend discussed how funny it was not to sleep for a few days.

She: don’t talk. ah, it doesn’t smell and you don’t need colots)))))
I: on the monitor you dumb like this, and there white areas on the spectrum lay down... was it not?
She: it was)))))) is normal et))
What about the font 3D?So you get stuck in the text and he gets a little out of it.
She: Agagagagagagagagagaga
I am: ha ha? How much we have in common...
I: And I ask anyone, all hot mushrooms need to eat less.
She: Dadadaddaddadda, and I still have knots on the funny the sausage and the hunting roast right away))
I: Hey... the booklets are jumping on the key?? to
I: but here’s the fucking time to tie the mushrooms)))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna