— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Confectionery Education

That I work on computer courses, I probably no longer need to say. Everyone here already knows that.

So then. I was in a healthy group (17-18 people, I don’t remember a lot). And at the first class I offered to move my brains and to the one who will give a solution to the difficult question I promised a candy.

The fate finger pointed to the oldest student in the group. Deep over 70 years (this is a minus), but the complete absence of old age marasma (this is a plus). She honestly won this candy and equally honestly cared for her 5-year-old granddaughter. From this moment the story begins.

In the second class, I run through the classroom and see that the only book I read at home is the oldest student (see the blurred pages, the labels). I am surprised (for Russian students, regardless of age, attachment is rare), praise. Give me another candy. and all. The conditional reflex began to work.

By the end of the course (how many months studied, if not more than six months) the best student in the group is the same pensioner. Everyone runs to consult her. For the superbly done inspection work I give a final candy. The lady asks, “Exactly the last?” I say yes, unfortunately, the course is over. The woman said, “Thank God! I have terror at home. My granddaughter will not control what I have done your homework, even if she doesn’t sit down for the TV. Without sweets, I’m even afraid to come home. I bought it if you didn’t give it.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna