— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
I am a recruitment specialist at the bank. I keep a different heresy from the summary, I decided to share:
"Computer skills and knowledge: Contact"
I like to observe people and their reactions to various stimuli, often experimenting myself in causing reactions.
I do not smoke, do not drink, do not smoke. I don’t know what humour is."
"Debits of the Company: (Cassor)
Greeting customers, asking customers if the customer has a discount card, offering a package.
"Stripping company in St. Petersburg. Insurance
Position duties and achievements: Pv insuranceproduction product"
"Desired Position: Actor"
"I have been working in the sales sector for three years, where there is no salary! If it’s you, call us "
"I want to be more independent, so work will not hurt"
"Development of projects "The key"
As for personal qualities... Without excessive modesty, I can call myself a responsible and executive man.
Organization of staff work, control of the performance of tasks, work with guests of the restaurant (greeting, planting, farewell...)
"Specialty: Director of Recreation."
"01.2004 - I continue to work, OOO Oriflame Cosmetics - Recruitment and training of staff
Creative work on the search for people-diamonds in the sea of office plankton.
"Key skills: to sell"

by donna.j

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna