— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sleep, next to the second half is satisfied, my pillow shows me good stories and...
What is not so.
I raise my head, I shake my head, fucking! Robots are attacking. I catch the torch and hide them from all the doors.
As the firefighters later told, they went out on the challenge, stumbled into the neighboring apartment with the fire, the door is not closed, we see, such an idyll - a sweet couple sleeps, here you woke up, rounded your eyes, grabbed the torcher and broke on us with a wild scream, we were well trained and quickly ringed.
Well, and the picture "They met in the entrance", there are neighbors, firefighters and I am like that, all out of clothes, only a torch in my hands. Gogol, with his silent scene resting.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna