— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And what if all our wishes and dreams actually materialized...
Somewhere in the parallel universe lives the same one, but it lives exclusively on my wishes and dreams. And, by the way, the desires of the other “I” are also materialized in our world. True, he, the poor man, is probably so tired of living in a luxurious mansion on the shore, with an incredible amount of money and expensive cars. He was probably so excited to see all those half-naked beautiful women in the morning who prepare him breakfast, lunch and dinner. He is terribly tired of everyday sex with Jessica Alba and Megan Fox.
And here he dreams of a quiet life, that every morning to go to work in public transportation, to get an average-statistical p/p, take a home in a mortgage and pay it half-life...
by InCage

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna