— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Excessive shrimp

We picked up the furniture, some spare parts were left.
Long sought where they could be wrapped, did not find and spit.
About excess screwbacks and other bullets in general there are many fairy tales.
In our kindergarten, when the team groups form in the summer, there was such a story.

The first day, the teacher has children from three groups. They have their own, but most of them are foreign. Everyone is out, only one child remains. He plays in the sandbox. Teacher on the veranda. begins to worry.

Who should come after you?

and Dad!

Daddy, Daddy, you are still sitting there.
There is no Dad.
And all, the garden is empty already, one guard, and ask no one. She went, took the lists, where the phone numbers of her parents to call. He asks.

What is your name?

by Petya Smirnov.

She overwhelmed all the lists. There’s no such child on the list, even if you’re crazy!
And what to do? It would be a understandable child, I would take it home, and it would be over. And here?
And the main thing is sitting, playing like nothing else has happened.
Usually, if the child is not taken for a long time, he is hysterical, and the educator comforts him. Here it is the opposite. A child at least anything, and the teacher is no longer a child's sausage.

Where is your dad?!! to

In the work.

When will he come for you?

He will not come.

Why? →? to

He is watching football. When he is watching football, it is better not to touch him.

Does he watch football at work?

Yes, in the work.

What kind of work is it that you watch football?

He works as a guard.

Where is?

In the kindergarten.

In what?? to

Well, here... in this garden. In the yours. He said, “Come away from your eyes and let me not see you until the end of the game.” Here I sit. Why don’t you leave? Oh oh! You may have been kicked out of the house before the end of the game.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna