— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
Selling a 8 year old...

No, I still want to talk about it!
Do you really live in your home???? to
Is he crawling all over the apartment alone or sitting in one place?
How does he eat?
How often and how often does he crack?
Does he drink water? And the whistle? And he is probably powerful, if he squeezes, you will not break the pipe...

Will the cat play or the lottery? To risk chatta sickotna I am about that he is in some sense like a rabbit.

and ah! The cat will enjoy it!! 20 minutes to 20 minutes!!! And then you will have a thick and smooth worm and no cats!!! Everything is clean, no wool, no one is haunting! The beauty!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna