— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was in a position to think about who I wanted more: a daughter or a son, the mother-in-law told me a story about some parents who wanted a boy very much.
The mother-in-law was studying at school, and one day at an anatomy class, the teacher told her former classmate the following:
The young men married, the wife became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter on time. Everything is fine, but the husband says: here would be a boy for us, I want a son. Well what! I need a son! A woman becomes pregnant and... in 9 months a twin is born! The girls! My husband is a little in shock. (Very unexpectedly - about ultrasound at the time and didn't know) Well...Three daughters - it's already cool, but I want a son! A woman wants to please her husband and becomes pregnant again. It is time to give birth, take her to the birthplace. My husband is nervous, waiting. After some time, the nurse comes out, approaches the stand where all the information about the fasting is written: well there is No of the chamber, the sex of the child and the weight... well, the shorter fits and opposite the surname of his wife (this is all happening in the eyes of the poor daddy) writes 3d. Three girls!! The man is ill, he no longer understands anything, ask the nurse did not have time, and she has already gone. It takes 10 minutes... The same nurse comes out, approaches the stand and... corrects 3 to 4, the letter “d” remains... That’s it! After seven girls, the wife categorically refused to try to conceive the boy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna