— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story is quite well known in scientific circles, so please

Sorry if it has already been mentioned here.

Physicist Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize laureate and one of the creators

The American atomic bomb was a big joke. As a student he

I often had breakfast at a cafe. The waiters were always in a hurry.

They were constantly running there and there (seemingly, there were few for such a large and

The popular coffee. One day Feynman decided to joke about nothing to do.

The waitress who was constantly serving him. Instead of the usual 10 cents.

“For tea,” he left two coins of five cents, each of which he placed under the table.

Inverted glass of water. I think a lot of people know this trick.

glass, pour it to the edges, cover it with thick paper on top,

You turn it up and down and put it on the table and then pull it out.

The paper. If the edge of the glass is tightly attached to the table, so that the water does not flow out

will be.

Why did Feynman put two glasses? When the waitress is in a rush.

I tried to remove the first, then, of course, poured the table and the floor with water. if

If the glass was one, it would end. Here she had to

What to do with the second glass?

When Feynman entered the cafe the next day, he was served by another person.

The waitress. “What you did yesterday is horrible! Sue was offended.

You will no longer be served.” She said.

“What is that?” Feynman was surprised.

"When Sue picked up the first glass and poured it all with water, she had to call.

the owner, because she did not know what to do with the second! They are so before

She didn’t come up with anything in the evening, and she had to pick up the second one.

take the glass and clean up all the spilled water again."

Feynman was laughing.

“It is not funny! Imagine that you would have done the same! What would you

have done?”

“I would bring a large plate and move slowly and carefully.

The glass at the edge of the table, Feynman replied. Water would flow into the plate.

Not on the floor.”

The waitress stumbled and left. After breakfast, Feynman left the teas.

Under a turned cup of coffee.

When he came to this café the next day, he was met by an outraged man.

The waitress of yesterday:

“Why did you leave the cups under the overturned cup yesterday?”

“Well, I thought that even though you are always in a hurry, you’ll have to go to the kitchen.

behind a large plate, and then you’ll become me-e-e-e-something and careful

Move the cup to the edge of the table.

“That’s what I did,” the waitress confessed. There was no water under the cup.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna