— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From school works

If there is global warming, bananas will grow everywhere.
Then people will stop working and gradually turn back into monkeys.
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At the end of her life, Anna Karenina fell under electricity.
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There were no computers before, and the girls were decent. So it was boring and people were fighting or explaining in love all the time. (Based on War and Peace)
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Professor Preobražensky finally realized that a dog is better than a man.
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During the duel there was snow and Lensky sang a very good sad song.
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Putin is the strongest. He can do whatever he wants and nothing will happen to him. We used to have a drunk president. He was drunk, and Chubais pulled his keys out of his pocket, opened the locks of his homeland and stole. And Putin himself opens up the closets of the homeland and takes from there everything he wants and gives to his friends. And whoever does not listen to him, he does not give, but instead takes them and puts them in jail.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna