— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday I sat behind my compass, I didn’t touch anyone, the sister suits:
This is all your influence! No longer approach the child.
I explain: the child is my 8-year-old nephew, her son. The statement is surprising by the fact that I am constantly crucifying from him as much as I can, and he is forcing me to do lessons or something else. I drive with him a lot. Here is such a statement. I even thought I heard.
What is?
I tell you not to go to Vancouver anymore.
Glad, but what happened?
There was some psychotherapy in the school. Well, when the aunt (uncle) comes to the class, asks the children silly questions and, based on the answers, makes conclusions about development, the state of the psyche, and then talks with the parents. I continue not to enter.
Well and what?
They asked him, “Who is grazing on the lawn?” Do you know what he replied?
What is?
Prepare for the rage!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna