— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ]
I received a letter with a job offer:

"Good morning
We will be pleased if you are engaged, and happy:), if you are interested that we have an open job C/C++ programmer. The platform is used: iPhone. Experience is welcome here: Objective C, BREW, J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile.
Terms and Conditions: PBT+ U.S. travel+ excellent team+ fork z/p (depending on your level)
If you are interested in the offer, we are waiting for your CV at :
With respect, Director of Staff"

Answered: "I was knowing and happy if you were delighted that you opened a programming job. Most of all interested in your offer me vilka z/p. Always dream of working for a fork – dollars equivalent. If you were happy or happy I will send you a CV for sure, just not knowing what it is.
What are you smoking?"
by Bear

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna