— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here are 6 movies! About how a boy was found half-orphan, how he grew up as a Jedi, married, became a round orphan, how he was cut off his hand, how he whipped his pregnant wife, how his children grew up, he went to the dark side of shit, almost whipped his daughter, killed the star of death a few planets, how his son whipped the star of death, found his sister, the cowboy (!), he killed his teachers, kicked off his hand to his son, Luke, I'm your father - NOOOOO!, as the son kissed with his daughter, INCEST JOPT!, the daughter in the golden swimsuit, and on her drowned more than one generation of teens, the son learned the strength, JODA DIED, DRAKA!, PIZDEC!, the good as a result still won, glory to Lucas!
by 14:19:46

I watched this movie badly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna