— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Discussion at the forum of the post on the fight against hamstring:
Dr.Provocateur: I know a girl who was once stabbed in a vegetable tent.
During the whole summer, twice a day passing by, she stopped and
informed buyers that the vegetables here are bad, thin and wormy
This is the author, a misguided character, and you, the author,
The average tolerance.
Silver: They told me a story.
Primordial town, toilet on the beach. The sorting itself is free, but a piece of toilet paper can be bought for five rubles from the grandmother sitting at the entrance (I have the feeling that she was going to trade there at all). The pieces she breaks off microscopic, and one aunt of large sizes cautiously asks to wrap out more, because I will not be enough, which receives a rejection and echoing note about the fat ass, which the roll has not struck from the deceased old entrepreneur.
Since then, my aunt has been standing every day with this sort of roll and giving everyone a paper for FREE. Something about a week or two, telling the grandmother that she is at the resort until the end of the summer and she is absolutely not in a position to engage in charity. The grandmother, unable to withstand, stopped trading papers, and after that the aunt disappeared - apparently returned to rest =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna