— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Gift in Complex
“Something,” said Charlie Chaplin, “I was driving in the New York subway. When I got home, I found a gold clock in my pocket. My mind could not apply how they got to me. I decided to bring them to the police. The next day they brought a letter: “Dear Mr. Chaplin! You have a professional pocket. Yesterday in the subway I stole a gold clock from a gentleman, but when I saw you, I decided to make a gift and put it in your pocket.
A year passed. The police did not find the thief, did not find the owner of the clock, and so sent the clock back to me. The newspapers wrote about it, and a while later I received a second letter: “Dear Mr. Chaplin! A year ago I was in the subway and my clock was stolen. I read in the newspapers that some pocket gave them to you. Let my clock stay with you, Mr. Chaplin. And since I am no less a fan of your extraordinary talent than a pocket thief, I send a gold chain to the clock."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna