— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the way from work, she recalled that she promised her superiors to go to a small shopping center near her home to find out how to order electricity from them by catalogs. I go in - no one on the first floor, no sellers, no guard... Well, they are also people, little or nothing... I go up to the second floor and spend half an hour there. I am back, no one again. I’ll read the catalogue for 15 minutes. Suddenly the phone ringed, one of the saleswomen appeared and began to complain to the housewife on the phone that the people are not going, sales, despite the near holiday, almost no... Finally, a girl is flying out, followed by a guard, a tall, clumsy grandfather of eighty years. I ask where the seller from the department I need is. The lady replied, she left for 10 minutes. Surprisingly, she hasn’t been there for almost an hour. And then almost a living guard spoke: "You are waiting here all day, they are waiting, and you are only now. Five minutes and..." The hours were 19.40 - they work until 20.00. In general, spit and went home.
Interestingly, do the owners of this point of sale know which lazy darmoods they feed? This is how to work, so that even before the New Year not to be in profit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna