— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The lobby rebellion or the stroke on the face will not be allowed!

Historic blockbuster filmed in Belarus

There were popular unrests, later dubbed the Lobkovo uprising.

The scene of "the girl in the steam" was filmed, without shameful notes. The girls, po

the scenario, luxuriously flushed, and then thrown out of the bathroom in the cold

Water of pond. Technical problems did not hide the scene, all

the lights to the girls themselves, liked, but found one

Unhappy: to the general trouble, it was the director.

The trouble came from where we did not expect it. The girls were young, looking after themselves. in

All the places. The director, threatening his finger, stated: “The hair must be!“”

The director's word, of course, the law, but the grimmers can also be understood -

There were no intermittent pearls in the stock. in itself

This is not exotic porn.

Film, as you know, is made by professionals who are obliged to disrupt any

the trouble. Grimmers began to stick to the girls the usual beards that were in the

of abundance. The girls hiccalled as the beards ticked, but, in general, the shooting

The scenes went smoothly. True, when the nymphs fell into a pond, part of the beard

It came out, but it’s, agree, nonsense: who’s there in the cinema?

I’ll look at it – maybe it’s algae or something else.

is more natural.

The entire filming brigade, of course, jumped in the fists and ticked. besides

Reconstruction of Bush. Bush, so badly smiling, told the crowd: “You

What are you laughing? You will play shooters tomorrow, you will have these beards.

to cuddle...”

Laughter is fast. He cried out: “From the back and on the face? A mouthwashing

Will it be?!! We will not give!“”

Tomorrow’s filming day was on the brink of collapse. Red from anger.

The gunmen sent a delegation of grimers with vows to assure that the

They have these beards are not a single bag and that they are men themselves and everyone understands that

A mouthpiece, not in life. At the cost of nervous efforts and promises.

The bullshit rebellion was extinguished, but the shooters

If they were fooled, they were fooled in the evening. So is easier.

The next day, everyone sitting in the chair to the grimer terribly clarified:

“Isn’t the beard from the pond?” Grimmer demonstrated his beard, lovingly eroded it,

He said, “The new It smells like it – smell it!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna