— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the time of the exam in physics, the high school students told this legend:
One guy went to school, did not go to couples, but he was extended for two weeks.
The other went to the hospital, and he was extended for a month.
And we have a lesson in physics, which, in order to do anything, it is first necessary to tempt it into the universe, then to find and, holding it in the audience, to answer something.
Actually a legend.
These guys went, paid off debts, and there was only one physics left. We found the preacher, agreed to meet, and there is a dialogue (p-prepod, c-students):
(c) Press, we are here for the transfer.
I didn’t appoint you for today, come in a week.
A week later, only the second student comes and again the dialogue:
Q. Where is your friend?
c) He was removed
How many exams did he have?
c) one
They say that such a look, in which so clearly read the word "BLA" no one has ever seen...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna