— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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...This garçon in the Versailles Café of the 2007-2008 model seemed to not stand out from his fellow men. Shoes on a thick waist, black pants, a dirty fork bound, a white shirt unfresh at the end of the day and a look - economic and a little tired. The waitress at 5 p.m. He had his part of responsibility - cleaning dirty dishes. After cleaning the next table, he stood up in the corner of the hall, crossing his hands on his chest and looking out where else he needed to work. Excursion buses brought 50-60 tourists right now, and these same tourists ate in this cafe at an interval of half an hour. How many such buses passed on a working day, the hell knows. There was a lot of dishes.
I forgot to say it was a square. garçon and garçon. Servant and... in general he was not 10 years old. Calling a child his tongue does not turn. Together with his mother, a cook-washer and his dad, he held a family business five minutes from the Palace of Versailles.

And then there was San Francisco. and other stories. The Arabs. The Qur’an permits four wives. The French law does not. But if you consistently marry and divorce - why not try it. As a result, there are (formally naturally) four single mothers and an unemployed father. With five benefits you can live a long and happy large Arab family. Bablo earned these benefits, as I understand, that 10-year-old boy.

This is what I will say. Democracy and socialism are incompatible. If you want democracy, make a living for yourself. If you want social benefits to the poor, forget about democracy. Otherwise, lovers of the hallway will choose their Holland with the program "to take and share". And then there will be a 50-75% tax, public debt and production leakage to China. So Depardieu is the least clinical idiot. Rather, idiots are like those who go to Europe in the hope of finding a well-organized 1972 pattern. They are late for 30 years. The other people have already eaten it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna