— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk about the cat:
_panic: that wasn't the hull she had :) It was just dumb near the shops, the shops probably didn't get lost... :)
Maybe I’ve just gotten rid of it again because I’m not sleeping... came – Moor? and escaped.
At the same time, she is very silent, for example, never asks to eat... she has 3-4 types of walls.
1st The Moor? Usually in a situation... I caught a mol, and that flew away where... I can’t do so...
2nd Myauuu - type of hares to push me and hold on my arms!
Three by Meu. Open the door, where did you hide? Or I want to fuck... and the fuck she knows but still gladly tells everyone!
4. mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - it is when she is called to eat... and if she is in another room and they call the kitchen... the order is like this: broke up... murrrrrrrrrr (who is next door, no)... ran to the kitchen...
The option if it hurts. I am going to go! But so rarely...
and :)
Roader: It feels like you programmed it.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna