— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story was told to me by a brother who at the beginning of his work was a passenger train driver. The salary of the conductors in those distant days was small, and money, as always, I want a lot, so that from their amount the soul turned out and no longer collapsed.

Here and sinned the guys with official crimes, the most common of which was the carriage of ticketless tickets for reward personally to the conductor. However, usually on such provinces the bosses closed their eyes, but as they say, it is better not to get caught.

Here are our heroes on landing in Orsha. Hummus stands like that, without mood. After all, for the whole trip (a long-distance train) no one "left", therefore, and no ruble in excess in the pocket. And the final station of arrival soon. But the time of parking is coming to an end, and it has already been announced that "landing on the train St. Petersburg - Minsk is over." And then a smile appears on the faces of our workers, because they see a aunt running toward their wagon, bitten by such a lady, and shouting: "Children, take me too!“!”

“Oh?” thought the brother, the rabbit painted. They dragged the woman into the train, and then by the edge of their eyes they noticed that in the same train there are inspectors.

The thirst for profit won, and the aunt decided not to plant, but to hide somewhere. I thought and thought, and no better place than the lower shelf for suitcases was invented. The lady did not resist, the inspectors were already on the wagons, but it was problematic to get her there.

The weight in it is no less than 100 kilograms, the waist range corresponds. But for the Russian people there are no outgoing conditions. They inspired. Auditors checked the car, observations and violations were not found. They just asked the conductors why they sat on the lower shelf and never got up during the inspection. Our heroes have risen. The eyes of the auditors appeared a hundred-kilogram aunt lying in the shelf. The inspectors are in shock. I asked if she had a ticket. I bought a ticket for this train and even for this car. My brother and his partner were in shock.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna