— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A small preface: when you play chess, you need the same thing.

Take the figures and press the clock. If you are playing flash

Very little time, so you have to do it very quickly. if is

two experienced chess players play, and the shooter has already hanged, then the hand movements

It becomes very fast and a person who is unfamiliar with chess seems to be

There is some kind of chaotic magic happening, and it is hard to believe that

people make some meaningful moves (hands only melt and knock on

2 or 3 times per second.

Well, and now the story itself: as a child, I was fascinated by handball, yes.

At the age of 15 he fulfilled the regulations of the CMC. Physically it was not bad.

is prepared. But especially well, despite the hassle, I always managed.

fighting on arms, in the so-called "arm-restling"

Throw, or what I guessed when I was a child, how correct

I struggled, but even the adult men were few who could pull with me.

Later, in studenthood repeatedly won various local tournaments.

The fact that I am long and thin has often misled opponents.

It is ;)

And in that summer, it was only three weeks on the collection, and all the rest of the time.

There was nothing to do and they played chess in the courtyard. Then decided

Go to the city club, and by the end of the summer it is all free time.

held in this club (good to the beginning of winter chess "released").

In general, on one of the hot summer days we sit and break up in the club.

The above method in blitz. There are a few “men” here. and

begins to stumble over the young chess players (and the contingent,

Remember, 90% of these are glasses and pants, as my wife says, typical.

“Sit here, you wipe your trousers, better go, yes.

Should the tournament be turned, the giraffes pulled? ha ha ha ha...” and so on.

I listened to this case, listened, and offered to fight on my hands.

(The boys were a little bit older and obviously didn't expect it.)

“... ha – let’s!”

We sit down, clamp our arms, lightning movement, I won. go again

Give it. The result is the same. He speaks sharply, shakes slowly,

Give it. Slowly turn his hand. Others also tried to take revenge.

The result is the same, one like a hand even pulled out a little - strongly.

He was tired with his sting.

They stand, their hands rub. The situation clearly went beyond their understanding.

They say, “How are you?”

I, good soul, point to the people who are crushed in the flash, saying:

“While you break into the flash, your hands know how to swing! ...” Pro is

My kms on handball and daily exercises with hats I'm right

I forgot to mention :)

They watched the chess players for half an hour. HOTELS

Probably "pumping" behind the chess board, but to see such an exercise

It seemed too “heavy.” never decided. And in vain!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna