— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why is Russia intelligent?
Patriarchs are here.
They will give science.
They will rule for a thousand years.
Why is Russia a doctor and a steelmaker?
There is a lawyer and a manager.
He wore French instead of slaves.
And with the boss ran to share the navar
Why the spirit of freedom?
When the salary is a million
The main one is Triton.
It is about fashion.
Why is Russia a Russian man?
When the Tajik Strait Spruddy
Don’t pay – be afraid
Their work will be legendary.
Why is Russia the power of the people?
Every politician is surprised.
It will drown for a dollar.
It will not last for a year.
Why does Russia need a soldier?
Change of socks.
And on the plate I tranche
The general built the house.
Why do we need Russia?
I can’t lick my back.
With any reform, I will
But I still love you.
Russia is my mother.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna