— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Please do not overwhelm our e-box with information junk-your cheap manucks ' type of your letter.Well you will not be able to teach us anything,I assure you, because of the lack of understanding of the problem about which you want to say something.This can be seen by that "lashes",which you are trying to hang out,to which you are trying to count us.In a big secret I will tell you, that currently in the conditions of the recession of the world economy,when the growth of the Russian economy has stabilized at the level of 3.5 percent per year, and the inflation is not more than 7 percent, the maximum profit in the minimum time practically in no normal market segment you will not get.To get a significant profit in these conditions only corrupt schemes work effectively. Judging by the reasons for which you are attracting people to Saratov, you can conclude that you are offering to just drink vodka in Saratov while listening to the information noise on Okolovskaya topics.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna