— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Recently friends came to visit, accordingly, without alcohol, the matter did not go. They sat down, drank, gathered and went on to the bar. I continued so that I don’t remember the end of the evening at all. I woke up in the morning, my head cracked, a little dumb. Well, I think it is necessary to entertain the people, to raise the mood with a very funny song from the megaphone advertisement (there is something about shish kebab singing in ancient tabor). Well, I’m going to mean to the note with the words – and now it’s going to sound a very fun song! As a result, I do not have time to get to the destination, as I hear the loud and clearly said choir in three heads :- I went to X. Y is!! I stand and wonder what the case is. It turns out, in the evening after coming home (which I naturally do not remember) I, with the words "and now it will sound a fun song!" turned it on to all the hearing...and listened to it 15 times in a row, not allowing anyone to switch it until he himself cut off...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna