— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Moscow traffic jams.

I am in a traffic jams, I do not touch anyone, I drink cola. The X-trail in front of me then slides slowly, then stops, absolutely without stress.

And then, after another acceleration to a ragged speed of 10 km / h, he stands up like a buried, I toss his numbers in the carpet, squeeze my hand and watch the fountain of the coke in the cabin. I think fucking, I got.

At this time, a man runs out of the X-trail and begins to jump on the road. It turned out he was drinking coffee... and we both flew... to Yopel, in which the blonde dropped the tablet, and pulling the gadget from under her feet on the go, pressed the brake.

Another proof that Apple is a corporation of evil :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna