— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here, hopefully, my distant friend expressed an outraged misunderstanding, how we live here, in his former homeland, if we have a shit. After thinking, I decided to answer from the comments to myself, slightly expanding and supplementing, for it, in general, briefly and tangibly reflects my attitude to the question:
“Yes, we have a shit here. But, you see, it’s like a backdrop shit. Ordinary, native and even favorite in places. It is not a one-time tragedy that happens or comes, but a permanent one that is always with us. Such shit is not from where it "comes", it is an aboriginal here, settled before us, has always been and will be forever. Even our ancestors were not born, and the fucking man had already flown invisibly among his native brothers. So not he came to us, but we came to him, and we have lived together ever since. He frequently visits us in a neighborhood, then to one, then to many. You don’t drive him out, he’s the master.
We are, by the way, even proud of them — say, no one has such a fuck like us. Here you have only the heat, the sand and the Arabs, and we have the shit. With the local climate, the heat and the Arabs do not survive, and the shit blooms and collapses. Pizdec - he is a fur animal, he is comfortable here. If the Great Ustyug is the homeland of Santa Claus, then all Russia is the homeland of the shit.

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