— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A real incident that happened to me in the subway. I passed with

Serpukhovskaya radial station at 8 a.m. (I emphasize) and sat in

The train on the Dobrininsky Ring. At the time of the landing the grandmother is carrying.

“The God of God.” And as all the grandmothers run with a package "on the overweight"

Traditionally, the hands are stretched forward. The people who stood at the door

The car did not "react" to this "threat" and was cold-blooded.

He said, “It will not succeed.” As soon as my grandmother came to the door,

The engineer closed the doors. My grandmother didn’t fly, but

It was just a package in which it was...fresh purchased.

cream in packages. The package is so well packed that the content

Immediately a wind rained on all who stood by the door. From Surprise

The people were upset, but with a natural desire to remove the package.

The grandmother pulled him onto herself, that is, to the outside of the car.

What remains unpressed content sprinkled again with a double

All of them (including me and the third group)

Again, and... at this moment the engineer noticed an aging old lady and...

I opened the door of the car. The silent scene of Gogol "the revisor came" and...

The old woman began to retreat from fear. She was lucky,

The driver closed the doors and the train left. Everyone is in a hurry.

It didn’t make sense to work, and since then I’ve always held the door.

If I see a running car...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna