— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Pittsburgh Department
I am a foolish shopper.

Julia is
How is the officer?

Pittsburgh Department
Look at it was. I went to the bathroom and noticed that there was a nail at the door of the closet. In my head there was a thought that I had to kill him! A balloon with air refresher. I broke it through... how the stream flew from there!
I shrink and let him go to the toilet. panic shopper
Then I visited another thought: it will smell everywhere to be pushed out on the street. I walked through the room and at the same time popped the stream on my pants!!!!!!! to
I immediately froze my leg and sprinkled the telecast.

Julia is
It feels like you’re quoting something like that 😉 😉

Pittsburgh Department
I think he’ll hurt me now.
So here, I went out on my balcony and put him out on the everything is okay =) I decided now to play with him began to shake him, shake, smell.

Julia is
I haven’t been so roasted for a long time.

Pittsburgh Department
I am a fool, fucking my fool! I will return!

Julia is
I will not remove this log! I'll read it again when I'm in the mood ;)

It must be in the top!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna