— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Question about TP:
I work in an organization. There are subordinates. One, especially strange lady talked about buying a new mobile phone. The dialogue:
She: I want a phone for a thousand for 25, so that I know exactly that it isn’t g...o.
I: I have an explain for 2000 r. with TV, inet, 3 sims, it sounds normal...
She: So he is Chinese, which in fact g... o.
I: So your Nokia is probably also Chinese, in vain you chase the country)
She: Nokia is a Finnish company, so the quality is good.
I: Let’s find out what mead in action they made.
She disassembled the phone and there is the inscription Made in Hungary. Then came the intellectual soul.
I: Well, you see, it’s done in the jungle. Where is the jungle?
Ta climbs into Google and finds information of the type: Jungaria is a historic region in the northwest of the Chinese province of Xinjiang.
The girl was in shock until good people told me about Hungary.
Z is. Learn English and Geography

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