— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Years ago I had to travel from Murmansk to Moscow. In July. For those who do not know, I will explain - in the summer, everybody is actively breaking south, there are few trains, everybody is crowded and rejected.
And here, a placard car, in front of us – for some unknown reasons instantly “songed” companion of me, a teenager, a student and the head of one of the zones – placed on the side shelf mother and daughter. And the cat!
For those who have little acquaintance with cats, I will explain again: usually the cat will endure any trip, although in the car to the nearest veterinarian is extremely difficult (the type is swallowing, rattling and mosquitoing). But this graceful black individual behaved rarely decently. She sat quietly on the leash and even signaled when she needed a tamper for the newspaper.
Everything would be nothing, but after a few "cupes" further on the wagon carried to warm up in the sun of about a year old baby. Here it is not necessary to explain to anyone that a child at this age and five minutes in place will not sit, but are expected for a whole day. His parents devotedly tried for almost six hours to get him something to do, so that he sat on the shelf smoothly and did not try to crawl on the dirty floor and smash other passengers.
And then came the moment – finally the tormented mother could not withstand:
If you don’t calm down, the grandmother will come after you!! to
The child digested the information and gave a response:
Oh yeah yeah!! to
“Will you be!”!” – was distributed from our “spinner”, and in the same tonality.
The child is silent by surprise. I looked at the cat with amazement.
The child apparently analyzed everything and came to the conclusion that this was a coincidence, and why decided to start a new charm.

WOW to WOW!! But it is somewhat quieter.
The cat immediately repeated the scream with such accuracy as if a dictionary was built in it.
The child was silent again, and with him the whole car was silent: they were waiting for the developments of this unexpected entertainment.
The child remained silent for a long time, for three minutes, and then decided to clarify what was going on.
A whisper, a whisper?
The cat, very loudly, on the whole car, with a terrible voice, right with a whisper of some kind: - STOP!!!! to

As the car did not come down from the rails from the hump you can write down only on the fact that the trains are quite strong. I crushed everything, even a cat.

But in order not to scare the child the cat was still shown to him. After a while he quietly asked, “Mami, hottu Baba!”

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