— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I now had a cursor brought one... girl, I almost died of laughter.
The theme was "LC development based on Microsoft AD"
And here she puts it to me on the table, and I read in the same language "Course robots on the subject: "Development of LOM based on Microsoft HELL".... 0-0 0_0
And I’m so carefully asking her "sorry. Sho is?!" And I get in response angry "I translated by the translator, I’m right!"....
And begins to come together in my head slowly to their places back - it was she recently came to specify the topic "- it must be understood, her body was from the network, which she needed to the title of her name and my topic to stick and give back to me. She recorded the subject in a notepad on weight. Anything in Russian. And this is how the truth was revealed to the world by a simple gesture of Google Translate - Microsoft AD became Microsoft HELL.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna