— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday, a father-in-law with an old friend of the family spent the evening, and that friend (uncle 40 years old) told the story of how he, while still a young specialist, once stood in a lunch break in a row to the buffet for two solid aunts and listened to their conversation about the following content:
“And yesterday I went to the theater, the Moscow band came, they gave an amazing show!
I visited the Odessa Opera House, a wonderful institution!
All this is loud and with eyes full of contempt for the uneducated habitat around. And this very friend, a man with a very specific sense of humor, unable to withstand the pathos, pushed his head between the aunts and loudly said: "And in our shake-up the batteries were painted!"
He says that if you were in this situation now, you would have done the same.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna