— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Go on, my minds are clean.
Come to work? To the programmers?
What do you know about what you wrote?
What? → What am I hearing? Basic and Fortran?! to
Sit down, calm down, drink a cup of coffee.
Be calm, he said. I will explain everything...
Do you want to work and study?
You need to know a little.
Know axes, iron, and posis, and pni.
Know Apple, know Mac, know IMAX and you.
Plan nine, a solarium, a little - a screw,
Of course Linux, of course Freeze!
Be able to distinguish between stacks, heaps, registers,
Otherwise, you will not be taken into programmers.
And breaks, and catches, exepshn throw
Knowing is better than eating and sleeping.
To be able to make an es-way-en.
Where did you go, fucking superman?
You just love f/s, why do you curl your nose?
Be respectful, the boss is sitting in front of you.
Or do you want an interface like Vista?
It was not written by programmers.
Teach PHP, TCP and iPad.
Osaiah and villans, вай fe and свичи,
And GNU GPL. Joel, don’t be in a hurry.
Money is not important, it is more important than the soul.
Drink beer, eat chips and beat Gates
I am obliged with everyone to support the spirit.
In the home compass - self-assembly kernel,
Parallel to be able!
Stand up and don’t cry while you close the door.
You will be a programmer, believe me. c) chr0m3

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna