— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I live in Hamburg. There is such a town in the Bundestag. There is a place called Chance. One of the features of the area is that 3-4 times a year local radical leftists and anarchists organize a small local revolution there. They burn barricades from garbage stores, rockets fly to the police, glasses are beaten in a pair of stores. Several cars are being set on fire for the company, negligently left by disorderly owners in the area of riots. What is characteristic, the excitement does not arise suddenly. The days when events will happen, everyone knows and is preparing accordingly. Police and revolutionaries. One of my acquaintances also prepared. He had an old murdered Opel, the price of which was from the force of 200 euros. In the evening, a few hours before the beginning of the events, the car was successfully parked near the epicenter. It should be noted that such poor cars do not touch the revolutionaries. Cars are burning. But our fire that night burned the first. And why? An entrepreneurial acquaintance placed stickers on the car in several places. “Germany above all,” the Nazi party, “foreigners out of Germany!” and etc. As you know, the left radicals, apart from the state, the police and the bourgeoisie, do not like any fascists. The insurance paid for a piece of iron.... 3000 Euros.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna