— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Bar-Ash: Do you know the joke about academic Solomon Josefovich Livenstein and the anti-universe?
Hm: Tell the Barracks
Bar-Ash: I will tell you
Bar-Ash: In short, academic Solomon Yosifich Livenstein invented such an apparatus that opened him the passage to the anti-universe. He entered the anti-universe and found himself at the anti-forest. I went on an antitropin and saw an antitropin on the anti-tumor.
Bar-Ash: He opens the anti-explosion door, and there is an anti-Semite sitting behind the anti-table
by Bar-Ash
Bar-Ash: The End
_d4vid: lol
hm : )
by Bar-Ash ))
Q: And then it was.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna