— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It happened in a small town. The young lady was taught to walk.

In the nearby dining room, where her mistress's sister worked, and she weighed him.

On the neck a plastic bag with food remains and delicious bones. the dog

He went home with a bag on his neck and for the whole day he was provided with a delicious meal.

The Lunch.

Occasionally, in order to praise the dog for good behavior, the owner stumbled on him.

She got a note in which she asked her sister to give her dog chocolate.

sweets, from which Collie was mad, and subsequently the hostess

He returned the cost of sweets. My sister no longer reads.

She knew that if a dog had a note in his teeth, she should be given a note.

Sweeping with sweets.

It took a long time until one day my sister noticed that

The dog came almost every day with a note in his teeth. When, she

I called the dog’s owner and it turned out that she hadn’t been there for a long time.

No notes with the dog. It became clear that the dog, realizing that sweets

They only surpass her when there is a piece of paper in her teeth.

on the way to the dining room to pick up the first papers and thus

Licking almost every day.

This story was told in an American magazine ten years ago.

back, but I remembered her only because she converses with the

It happened to a dog that lived in our family when I was still very old.

The child.

It was an ordinary courtyard, which everyone called Bothic, because I

It was hard to pronounce his real name, Toby. Every morning he

Together with my mother, whom he loved, I went to work with her. there

He had his own "day" company, had his place near his mother's.

The table where he could shake up was his own passion—cocktail, but absolutely.

inaccessible bullshit, which the owners must have drawn on the leash.

Mom and Botic ate lunch at home, and after lunch went back to work.

Mom worked, as was then accepted, six days a week, and

On Sunday, I stayed at home. But Bottas is probably there.

During the weekends, he went alone without his mother.

"to work," as usual, appearing in time for lunch and again disappearing before

The evening. And it would not have been so unusual if it had not been a single detail.

My mother worked far from home and they went to work with their dog.

by bus. On the same weekend, Botic also travelled on the bus - but already in

Unfortunately, it’s hard to choose only the buses.

The route and never confusing “your” stops.

All this was a very long time ago, for many years no mother, but when in the past

During a trip to the city of my childhood, I met by chance.

The old woman, in whom he recognized his mother's former servant, and presented himself,

She, remembering my mother with a kind word, suddenly smiled and said:

Surprisingly, but recently my friend who worked in those years

The driver of the bus, remembered your bottic...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna