— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Discussion of the news about the elastic material “Quantum Stealth” (“Quantum Hiddenness”), which acts as an invisible mantle.

xxx: Tell me bluntly about the astute refraction of the light, which gives the opportunity to show from the outside of this thing what is behind it yet and not including the person, I listen very carefully.
YYY: The words xxx, in my opinion, should be inserted into all fantastic films.
The arrows fly, the tails, for example, the bearded witches throw lightning, and here Nikita appears: "Tell me a bit about the clever energy streams that give the opportunity to let lightning out of my hands, I listen very carefully."
Or something like, “Tell me a shit about a clever cannon that makes it possible to blow up planets so that the thunder of an explosion on a distant spacecraft can be heard, I listen very carefully.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna